6 建
见证您的项目成为现实! 从现场准备到通过最终验收,您将与承包商保持联系,并就项目细节做出最终决定。
建设过程一般需要 6-12 个月。 大多数 ADU 项目需要 12-18 个月才能完成,但有些项目需要 24 个月或更长时间。
以下是关于 ADU 建筑最常见的几个问题。 请参阅以下内容和我们的《ADU 指南手册》,了解有关该过程所有步骤的更多指导、资源和提示。
If you are not using a design/build firm, you will need to find a contractor to take over for the construction phase of your ADU.
First, you’ll solicit bids. See our Guidebook for more details on what you want to see in a bid, what other documentation to collect from potential contractors, and what to look for in your bidding candidates. You will want to get at least three bids for comparison.
When you have bids, you can begin selecting your contractor. See our Guidebook for more details on how to compare bids and choose the best option for you.
Before you hire a contractor, make sure to check their license and insurance and when they present you with a contract, review everything carefully. See our Guidebook for more details.
Construction costs for your ADU will vary significantly depending on personal preferences, site conditions, location, and many other factors. Despite what many think, smaller ADUs may cost almost the same as larger ones. Many costs like foundation, kitchen and bathroom work only increase slightly for larger ADUs. Kitchen costs will range from $25,000–$50,000 with each bathroom ranging from $15,000–$25,000.
Type:New construction, both detached and attached, tend to be the most expensive. Garage conversions are not much cheaper than new construction if at all. Conversions of interior space (basement or otherwise) are often the cheapest.
Other factors:
- Quality of interior finish work and amenities
- Architectural form and details
- Extent of utility, structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing upgrades required
- Required site upgrades (sidewalks, sewer and water)
- Whether sprinklers are required
- Whether doors and windows meet emergency exit standards
- Lot complexity (slope, trees, fault lines, etc.)
Traditional construction will take 6-12 months, though this will vary depending on the specifics of the project. Stages of construction include:
- Site preparation: 1-2 months
- Foundation: 1 month
- Walls, roof, doors: 1-2 months
- Plumbing & electrical: 1-2 months
- Insulation & drywall: ½-1 month
- Fixtures & finishes: 1-2 months
- Final touches: ½-2 months
While your contractor will lead the construction process, you will have the following responsibilities:
- Keep in touch with your contractor and set up a schedule for checking in.
- Regularly walk through the construction area to monitor the quality of the work and make sure the work is progressing the way you expect.
- Be prepared to make decisions about the details—light fixtures, appliances, and other materials—in a timely manner so your contractor can stay on schedule.
- Follow the contract you agreed to, including any changes as described specifically in a change order form.
- Although your contractor will usually arrange the required city or utility inspections, it is your responsibility as the property owner to make sure that the inspections are conducted as required.
Site-built/Traditional: A traditionally constructed ADU is designed and built specifically to your preferences and property and built on site (“stick-built”). This option allows for a lot of customization and smaller changes to be made throughout the construction process.
Prefabricated/panelized/modular: These ADUs are partially or mostly built in a factory, then shipped to your site to be put together. Sometimes the company will include all services in their fee (“turn-key”), including help with permitting and all on-site construction tasks (e.g., laying the foundation, utility hookups, etc.). Other times you’ll need to hire additional professionals to help.
建造您的 ADU
通常情况下,自己做总承包商的人都会遇到困难。 建造 ADU 更像是建造一栋完整的房屋,而不是翻新。 如果您与设计/建造团队合作,或者已经聘请了总承包商,他们将负责管理项目(包括合同谈判、付款时间表、质量检查以及与市政府和其他机构合作)。
虽然前期费用可能较高,但您可能会因为减少延误或变更单而节省大量资金,而且您的 ADU 也会更快出租。
获得建筑许可证后,您聘请的承包商将负责建造您的 ADU。 在开始施工之前,请确保所有资金都已到位。
经常与承包商沟通,根据需要就固定装置和饰面做出决定,并在付款前核实进度。 施工时间各不相同,但 6-12 个月是比较常见的。 请参阅我们的 指南.
在施工期间,将对您的 ADU 进行多次检查,以确保其按照许可计划进行施工(典型检查包括地基/地脚、框架、电气/管道和外部装修)。
许多城市都有在线门户网站或直接的电话号码用于安排检查。 一般来说,您和您的承包商有责任安排所有必要的检查。 有关检查清单和如何安排检查,请联系建筑部门。 最终检查通过后,一些城市会颁发入住证书。 您的 ADU 已准备好入住!
根据材料、场地条件、位置和其他因素的不同,ADU 的建筑成本也大不相同。
建造一个 ADU 的成本通常从简单的室内改装 JADU 的 3 万美元到山坡地上带有高端装修的大型独立 ADU 的 40 多万美元不等。 每平方英尺的成本是一个很好的估算方法,不过根据项目的复杂程度和表面处理,每平方英尺的成本也可能在 150-500 美元之间。 对于一般项目而言,建筑成本的良好起始估算为每平方英尺 350-450 美元(总成本的良好起始估算为每平方英尺 400-550 美元,包括设计、许可和施工)。
尽管很多人认为,小型 ADU 的成本可能与大型 ADU 几乎相同,因为建筑成本与规模无关。 对于规模较大的 ADU 而言,地基、厨房和浴室工程等许多费用只会略有增加。 厨房费用从 25,000 美元到 50,000 美元不等,每个卫生间的费用从 15,000 美元到 25,000 美元不等。
访问我们的 “故事“,查看在圣克拉拉县建造的 ADU 的实际成本示例。