A project of the Santa Clara County Planning Collaborative

A project of the Santa Clara County Planning Collaborative

4 设计

知道自己能建造什么,并估算好预算后,就可以开始设计 ADU,从设计灵感开始,到许可就绪的计划结束。


设计阶段一般需要 1-6 个月。 大多数 ADU 项目需要 12-18 个月才能完成,但有些项目需要 24 个月或更长时间。


以下是一些关于 ADU 设计的常见问题。 请参阅以下内容和我们的《ADU 指南手册》,了解有关该过程所有步骤的更多指导、资源和提示。

Most homeowners choose to work with some type of design professional to plan their ADU and help throughout the process. Bringing on a professional early in the process is often key to getting your ADU approved quickly, managed efficiently, and built cost-effectively. Relevant experience and fit will be critical.

There are a variety of types of designer, and they may be an architect, builder, “designer,” design/build, or a modular/prefab company. If you’re hiring a local individual or team, they’ll likely start the process by visiting your home and talking to you about your ideas and goals. If it seems like a good match, they will prepare a proposal detailing their services and fee. Professionals typically charge for an initial consultation or proposal.

Note that if you’re not using a licensed architect to design your ADU, your plans may need to be stamped by a licensed engineer. Check with your City early on.

See our Exercises for a list of questions to ask a potential architect or designer, our Glossary to be clear on terms, and our Guidebook for more details.

Once you have a design established with your architect/designer, it’s a great idea to discuss it with City staff so they can point out any issues before you prepare your application.

Depending on the city, you may be able to schedule an appointment to speak with a planner or walk in to the Planning Counter or Permit Center. For contact information, see the Local ADU Rules and Contacts.

This is also a good time to reach out to utility agencies (water, sewer, gas, etc.) to inquire about their infrastructural requirements and confirm connection and service fees.

Site-built/Traditional: A traditionally constructed ADU is designed and built specifically to your preferences and property and built on site (“stick-built”). This option allows for a lot of customization and smaller changes to be made throughout the construction process.

Prefabricated/panelized/modular: These ADUs are partially or mostly built in a factory, then shipped to your site to be put together. Sometimes the company will include all services in their fee (“turn-key”), including help with permitting and all on-site construction tasks (e.g., laying the foundation, utility hookups, etc.). Other times you’ll need to hire additional professionals to help.


设计您的 ADU




使用现有计划可为您节省大量时间和金钱。 访问我们的ADU 计划图库(即将推出),查看和比较计划,并与设计师、建筑师或公司联系。 您很可能需要请他们根据您的房产和当地的规定来定制图纸,但您可以节省初步设计的费用,他们还可以帮助您完成许可证的申请。 有些图纸可能已经过您所在城市的 “预审”,这意味着规划和建筑部门已经将图纸与当地规则进行了比较,这也可以节省您在许可过程中的时间。 图库还包括您所在城市提供的任何预先批准的计划。

各城市正在继续增加预审和预批计划。 查看计划库或您所在城市的网站,看看是否有适合您的计划。


圣何塞市提供了一系列预先批准的 ADU 计划,以加快审批速度,降低审批成本。 您需要与预先批准的供应商签订合同,并准备一个针对特定物业的网站。点击此处了解更多信息。

库比蒂诺市还为独立式 ADU 提供预先批准的计划,以加快审批速度。 您需要与其中一家经批准的供应商签订合同,最终批准仍取决于场地问题。点击此处查看可用计划



虽然您可以自己建造 ADU,但我们强烈建议您聘请有执照的建筑师或设计师以及有执照的承包商,或设计/建造团队,大多数房主都是这样做的。 在整个过程中,尽早聘请专业人士往往是让你的 ADU 快速获批、高效管理和经济高效地建造的关键。 相关经验和适合度至关重要,查看他们过去的工作并核实推荐信也很重要。


  • 持证建筑师或设计师设计您的 ADU,并为您办理许可和施工手续
  • 持证承包商建造您的 ADU
  • 设计/建造公司设计和建造您的 ADU
  • 模块化/预制公司销售模块化/预制房屋预设设计的公司

我们的 “ADU练习“包括一份在雇用团队时需要考虑的问题清单,而我们的 “指导手册“则提供了有关设计合同和成本的概述。



一旦你的团队就位,你将与他们一起设计你的 ADU。 你们将一起考虑面积、用途、布局、具体项目需求(储藏室、洗衣房等)、建筑风格和私密性。 如果您决定采用预审计划,您将根据自己的房产定制计划。

一旦有了初步设计,最好与市政府工作人员讨论一下,以便他们在提交许可申请之前指出任何问题。 您的设计团队可以参加这次会议,以澄清图纸并帮助您理解要求。

如果还没有,现在也是联系公用事业服务提供商(供水、排污、煤气等)的好时机,以确认您的设计符合他们的要求。 参见 当地 ADU 规则和联系方式或我们的 指南获取所有相关联系信息。




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