設計階段通常需要 1-6 個月。 大多數ADU專案需要12-18個月才能完成,但有些專案需要24個月或更長時間。
以下是有關 ADU 設計的一些最常見的問題。 請參閱下面的內容和我們的 ADU指南 ,以獲取有關該過程所有步驟的更多指導、資源和提示。
Most homeowners choose to work with some type of design professional to plan their ADU and help throughout the process. Bringing on a professional early in the process is often key to getting your ADU approved quickly, managed efficiently, and built cost-effectively. Relevant experience and fit will be critical.
There are a variety of types of designer, and they may be an architect, builder, “designer,” design/build, or a modular/prefab company. If you’re hiring a local individual or team, they’ll likely start the process by visiting your home and talking to you about your ideas and goals. If it seems like a good match, they will prepare a proposal detailing their services and fee. Professionals typically charge for an initial consultation or proposal.
Note that if you’re not using a licensed architect to design your ADU, your plans may need to be stamped by a licensed engineer. Check with your City early on.
See our Exercises for a list of questions to ask a potential architect or designer, our Glossary to be clear on terms, and our Guidebook for more details.
Once you have a design established with your architect/designer, it’s a great idea to discuss it with City staff so they can point out any issues before you prepare your application.
Depending on the city, you may be able to schedule an appointment to speak with a planner or walk in to the Planning Counter or Permit Center. For contact information, see the Local ADU Rules and Contacts.
This is also a good time to reach out to utility agencies (water, sewer, gas, etc.) to inquire about their infrastructural requirements and confirm connection and service fees.
Site-built/Traditional: A traditionally constructed ADU is designed and built specifically to your preferences and property and built on site (“stick-built”). This option allows for a lot of customization and smaller changes to be made throughout the construction process.
Prefabricated/panelized/modular: These ADUs are partially or mostly built in a factory, then shipped to your site to be put together. Sometimes the company will include all services in their fee (“turn-key”), including help with permitting and all on-site construction tasks (e.g., laying the foundation, utility hookups, etc.). Other times you’ll need to hire additional professionals to help.
使用現有計劃可以為您節省大量時間和金錢。 訪問我們的 ADU計劃庫 (即將推出)以查看和比較計劃並與設計師、建築師或公司聯繫。 您很可能需要僱用他們根據您的財產和當地規則定製計劃,但您將節省開發初始設計的費用,他們可能會説明您獲得許可。 有些計劃可能會由您所在的城市「預先審查」 這意味著規劃和建築部門已將其與當地法規進行了比較,這也可能在許可過程中節省您的時間。 圖庫還包括您所在城市提供的任何預先批准的計劃。
城市正在繼續增加預先審查和預先批准的計劃。 查看計劃庫或您所在城市的網站,看看是否有任何計劃適合您。
聖約瑟市 提供一系列預先批准的ADU計劃,以實現更快、更低成本的許可。 您需要與預先批准的供應商簽訂合同,並準備一個特定於屬性的網站。 在此處瞭解更多資訊。
庫比蒂諾市 還為分離式ADU提供了預先批准的計劃,以加快許可速度。 您需要與其中一個批准的供應商簽訂合同,最終批准仍受現場問題的約束。 在此處查看可用計劃。
雖然您可以將ADU作為業主建築商建造,但我們強烈建議您聘請有執照的建築師或設計師以及有執照的承包商或設計/建造團隊,大多數房主都會這樣做。 在流程的早期聘請專業人員通常是快速獲得批准、高效管理和經濟高效地構建ADU的關鍵。 相關的經驗和適合性至關重要,查看他們過去的工作並檢查參考資料很重要。
- 有執照的建築師或設計師 來設計您的ADU,並可能通過許可和施工看到您
- 獲得許可的承包商來 構建您的ADU
- 設計和建造您的ADU的設計/建造公司
- 銷售模組化/預製房屋預設設計的模組化/預製件公司
一旦您的團隊就位,您將與他們一起設計您的 ADU。 您將一起考慮大小、用途、佈局、特定專案需求(儲藏室、洗衣房等)、建築風格和隱私。 如果您決定採用預先審查的計劃,您將努力為您的財產定製計劃。
一旦您有了初步設計,最好與市政工作人員討論,以便他們可以在提交許可證申請之前指出任何問題。 您的設計團隊可以參加此會議,以澄清圖紙並説明您瞭解要求。
如果您還沒有,這也是聯繫公用事業服務提供者(水、下水道、天然氣等)以確認您的設計符合他們要求的好時機。 請參閱的 本地 ADU 規則和聯繫方式或我們指南中的目錄 以獲取所有相關聯繫資訊。