A project of the Santa Clara County Planning Collaborative

A project of the Santa Clara County Planning Collaborative

3 预算与财务

是 ADU 项目最重要的部分之一。 您需要在设计与您的经济承受能力之间取得平衡,同时也要考虑潜在的租金收入。 在了解自己能建造什么之后,在雇用设计团队并开始与他们合作之前,尽早评估自己的财务状况。


以下是一些关于 ADU 基本知识的常见问题:

The Santa Clara County ADU Calculator is a great place to start when developing a budget. It provides a rough estimate of costs and income and will help you understand how choices can impact your budget over time. In general, it is helpful to avoid having a fixed budget total in your head as you explore your options.The cost to build an ADU typically ranges from $30,000 for a simple interior conversion JADU, to $400,000+ for a large detached ADU with high-end finishes on a hillside lot. Cost per square foot is a good way to estimate, though this too can vary — a very rough placeholder for you to use is $400-550 per square foot for construction (“hard costs”) and design and fees (“soft costs”), depending on your design and the materials you chose.

See more details about costs – including design, permitting, and construction – in our ADU Guidebook.

Many homeowners use a mix of options to finance their ADU, including savings, funds from family, and/or loans. It is strongly recommended that your financing is in place before construction starts. Be sure to factor in potential rental income since that will help you repay loans. See our Guidebook and Exercises for more details on financing options.

If you have equity in your home, a cash-out refinance or home equity loan/line of credit (HELOC) might work for you. Financing is typically unavailable for homeowners with lower income and insufficient home equity, but as of January 2023, the California Housing Finance Agency (Cal HFA) ADU Program provides a grant of up to $40,000 to qualified homeowners for the reimbursement of ADU pre-development costs, including but not limited to impact fees. To qualify, a homeowner must be low or moderate income. Make sure to check if funds are available and if you qualify.

Adding an ADU will likely affect your property taxes and the resale value of your home. However, your primary house will not be reassessed, and your property taxes will only increase based on the added value of your ADU. For example, if you build an ADU that adds $150,000 to your property value, and your tax rate is 1%, your taxes will increase by 1% x $150,000, or $1,500 per year.

Building a JADU will have a significantly smaller impact on assessed value. In some cases, your taxes will not increase at all. Home sharing will also not increase the assessed value of your home. Generally, garage conversions will not raise your tax bill as much as new construction, but they will also not add as much value.

Each property will require a one-on-one analysis to determine the added value of an ADU, so contact the Santa Clara County Assessor’s Office once you have an idea of your plan. They may be able to provide you with a rough estimate of tax implications.

Adding an ADU may impact your income taxes as well. This can be rather complicated, and it’s best to discuss these with a tax advisor.

Generally no. You may need to record in a deed restriction for the property that the ADU cannot be sold separately from the primary home. Check Local ADU Rules and contact your City to find out what local restrictions apply.

Rental income is a major benefit of having an ADU or JADU on your property – for many people, it provides flexibility in their budget or an opportunity to grow their savings. Generally, you cannot rent your ADU for less than 30 days at a time (e.g., AirBnB, Vrbo). The Santa Clara County ADU Calculator can help you estimate how much rental income could be generated by your new unit.


为您的 ADU 编制预算



在探索您的选择时,避免在头脑中形成一个固定的预算总额是很有帮助的。圣克拉拉县 ADU 计算器是制定预算时的一个很好的起点。 它提供了对成本和潜在租金收入的粗略估算,并将帮助您了解随着时间的推移,选择会如何影响您的预算。 我们的《指导手册》 中还有更多信息可帮助您完成这一步骤,而我们的《ADU 练习》则为您提供了一些问题和记录想法的空间。



许多房主会采用多种方式为自己的 ADU 筹集资金,如自己的储蓄和资产、家人提供的资金和/或贷款。 强烈建议您在融资计划未到位的情况下不要开始施工。 一定要将潜在的租金收入考虑在内,因为这将是偿还任何贷款的来源。圣克拉拉县 ADU 计算器可帮助估算收入。 我们的ADU 演习可以帮助您评估各种选择。


  • 现金储蓄或其他流动资产
  • 家人或朋友的贷款
  • 房屋净值
  • 贷款人提供的贷款


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